The New European’s handy guide to help you answer all those awkward questions and tricky situations you might find yourself in during your European holiday this summer.
Don’t look at me like that, I voted Remain
No me mires así, voté por permanecer (Spanish)
No, of course I’m not proposing marriage on our first date just to get an EU passport!
No, certo che non sto proponendo il matrimonio al nostro primo appuntamento solo per ottenere un passaporto europeo! (Italian)
What do you mean, go to the back of that unfeasibly long queue?
O que você quer dizer com ir para a parte de trás daquela fila invariavelmente longa? (Portuguese)
Yes, we’ve noticed he looks like a nicotine-stained man-frog too
Oui, nous avons remarqué qu’il ressemble à un homme-grenouille taché de nicotine (French)
I’m on a David Davis holiday – doing sod all in Europe for as long as possible
Sem na pocitnicah David Davis – pocnem vse v Evropi cim dlje (Slovenian)
Do you sell wholesale goods I can stockpile in preparation for a no-deal Brexit?
Verkoopt u groothandelgoederen die ik kan opslaan ter voorbereiding op een no-deal Brexit? (Dutch)
We’re so sorry about Boris
Vi er så ked af Boris (Danish)
Yes, we wish Gareth Southgate was our prime minister too
Ja, vi önskar att Gareth Southgate var vår premiärminister också (Swedish)
If you thought Boris was bad, wait until you hear from Andrea Jenkyns
Ako ste mislili da je Boris loš, pri?ekajte dok ne ?ujete od Andreja Jenkynsa (Croatian)
With thanks to Google Translate – and apologies for any crude mistranslations.