A prominent Brexiteer has just told the House of Commons that there should be a statue of Theresa May erected in his constituency to commemorate the ‘Brexit Queen’.
'Will she come to Wellingborough where she will be carried shoulder-high through the streets to the echoing of cheering crowds?' @PeterBoneUK offering to show PM the site of a statue to the 'Brexit queen'
— BBC Daily Politics and Sunday Politics (@daily_politics) May 2, 2018
"Tempted to say, how could I refuse?" @theresa_may #pmqs pic.twitter.com/H2CNAoSnvs
Wellingborough MP Peter Bone announced during Prime Minister’s Questions that ‘In 331 days, 11 hours and 14 minutes and 22 seconds the Prime Minister will be leading us out of the European Union.
He continued: ‘My question to the Prime Minister is, in 332 days time, will she came to Wellingborough where she will be carried should height through the streets to the echoing of cheering crows and I will be able to show her the site where a statue to the Brexit queen will be erected?’
Maybe they should get the sculptor who made this Ronaldo statue to do the 'Brexit queen' Theresa May one.
— Damon Evans (@damocrat) May 2, 2018
Like Brexit and Theresa May, the sculptor had grand ideas, which were foiled by the reality of his shitness. pic.twitter.com/PDCoKLyJ9Z
Following a burst of laughter from Parliament, the PM responded: ‘My honourable friend is absolutely right. We will be leaving the European Union and I’m tempted to say to his request ‘how can I refuse?”.
So while the Brexiteers have yet to master the finer details of Brexit, they do at least have some sort of plan for Britain post-Brexit… and it involves blue passports, statues, and commemorative stamps…
.@peterboneuk wants a "Statue to the Brexit Queen". I don't think he needs to worry that we might forget the PM and the disaster she is leading us towards. We'll be living with the impact. #PMQs #Brexit
— Adam Brookes (@adambro) May 2, 2018
As one tweeter put it, it’s ‘peak Brexiodicy’.
Doubt he'll be unveiling a Brexit queen statue if she goes for a new customs partnership, though #pmqs
— Asa Bennett (@asabenn) May 2, 2018
Peter Bone just offered to carry Theresa May shoulder high through the streets of Wellingborough and erect a statue to "our Brexit Queen".
— The Politics of NV (@politicsofnv) May 2, 2018
Good, normal political discourse in our good, normal country. #PMQs