An NHS fundraiser has labelled the government’s coronavirus response ‘bullshit’ live on Good Morning Britain.
Adee Phelan, who works as a celebrity hairdresser, appeared on videolink from his flat in Covent Garden to discuss a fundraiser he led to give 94,000 healthcare staff hair products and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when he let loose over government efforts to contain the coronavirus.
He told presenter Piers Morgan: ‘It’s a disgrace Piers. What’s happening in the government is bulls**t!
‘And Boris Johnson and the whole lot of them down there need to start treating us with a bit of respect, a bit of honesty and a bit of dignity.
‘This is not a time to be angry. I’m sorry, Piers. You’ve kindly got me on this show to talk about positivity, but it’s not right mate, it’s not fair. People are sick to death of the lies.’
Phelan said the public wanted a leader like ‘Churchill, like a Kennedy, like a Martin Luther King’.
The hairdresser started gifting hair products to NHS staff after an encounter with an exhausted nurse. What started off with enough stock to help 10,000 workers grew over time as barbers and salons chipped in to the cause. It has now grown to provide frontline staff with reusable masks and oxygen.
Phelan also referenced Black Lives Matter protests. ‘Before you start stopping and searching white youths and black youths they’re probably on their way to work, probably on their way to college, they’re probably on their way to do a good deed,’ he said.
‘We need to stop judging, it needs to start from the top. Westminster needs to get their shit in order’.
Phelan received support for the sweary outburst online. Comedian Kevin Knight wrote: ‘Top man, speaking for the nation.’ Cinzia M wrote: ‘This guy is spot on’.
Gareth Binns wrote: ‘If anybody complains about Adee’s language they need their head read, he is just amplifying what everyone else is feeling. Well done Adee and thank you’.