Right-wing Tories will be furious, Boris Johnson and Liam Fox will resign, and we’ll stay close to Europe. It’s a no-brainer isn’t it?
With David ‘Two Brains’ Willetts seeking to persuade the government to pursue a less isolationist post-Brexit policy, the time is surely ripe for the less cerebrally-endowed politician – Lord Lawson, Theresa May and David Davis included – to concede that he or she is as susceptible to the vices and follies of humankind as are the rest of us.
Sir Anthony Eden and Neville Chamberlain are damned forever by the judgment of historians; David Cameron’s legacy rests upon the relative success or failure of the post-Brexit landscape; but the current prime minister can rescue her reputation by the simple expedient of giving the British people the final say on whether or not to proceed with the government’s vision for Brexit.
So the choice is Mrs May’s: ‘here today, gone tomorrow politician’ or ‘flawed, but principled and highly respected leader, who handled the poisoned chalice of the UK’s exit from the European Union with fairness and great forbearance’?
Not such a tricky one really…
Richard Sugrue, Pembury
Let me get this straight. If Theresa May contrives to lose a Commons vote and accepts we have to stay in the customs union, Norman Tebbit and Michael Fabricant will be furious while Boris Johnson and Liam Fox will resign.
What are you waiting for, Theresa? You’ve blown a big vote once, you can do it again!
Ruth Dillon
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