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Anti-Brexit activists ‘destroy’ Brexit deal metres from Brussels summit

Campaigners from Our Future Our Choice protest against Theresa May's Brexit deal. Photo: Our Future Our Choice. - Credit: Archant

Young anti-Brexit campaigners have taken a blowtorch to Theresa May’s Brexit plan metres away from the summit where the prime minister is seeking agreement from EU leaders.

Around 50 campaigners from the Our Future Our Choice (OFOC) movement headed to Brussels to call for a People’s Vote – smshing up a seven-foot tall mockup of the Withdrawal Agreement.

While Theresa May was meeting EU leaders behind closed doors all eyes were on the young activists who were using fire extinguishers, shears, spray paint and blowtorches to destroy mocked up versions of the deal.

Campaigners from Our Future Our Choice protest against Theresa May’s Brexit deal. Photo: Our Future Our Choice. – Credit: Archant

The protesters are representing the views of a majority of young people and Remainers who are all against the deal.

Will Dry, co-president of OFOC, said: ‘This stunt was a good bit of fun to show how young people feel about this botched Brexit deal. We got together fifty young people, slept in a hostel packed like sardines, and brought tools from our garden sheds to make some light of what a truly terrible deal the government has negotiated in the shadows of the European Commission.’

Campaigners from Our Future Our Choice protest against Theresa May’s Brexit deal. Photo: Our Future Our Choice. – Credit: Archant

‘Whilst this was just a bit of fun, there is no dodging the fact that the Prime Minister has signed off a deal that will leave our generation poorer and with fewer opportunities. Our generation will not forgive or forget those who support any such deal. We will keep protesting until we get a People’s Vote on the final Brexit deal.’

Our Future Our Choice were joined by leading Remain MEPs Molly Scott Cato and Richard Corbett.

Molly Scott Cato told the crowds: ‘It would be a total democratic travesty if that deal is forced upon people who voted for something completely different.’

Richard Corbett said that Theresa May’s plan was a ‘blind Brexit’ which had ‘no majority in Parliament’.

Campaigners from Our Future Our Choice protest against Theresa May’s Brexit deal. Photo: Our Future Our Choice. – Credit: Archant

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