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Ben Fogle thinks more will leave Britain for a ‘Castaway’ lifestyle after Brexit

Ben Fogle back in 2000 appearing on the show Castaway. Photograph: Ben Curtis/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Ben Fogle has said that he ‘wouldn’t be surprised’ if there was an influx of people opting to live a life away from the normal constraints of society following Brexit.

The TV presenter and adventurer is planning to mark the 20th anniversary of his time on BBC reality series Castaway 2000 by heading to a remote location to re-live the experience with his wife and children next year.

He has said that the current political landscape is another reason he is keen to get away, because there is something ‘very appealing about the idea of escapism’.

Fogle told the Press Association: ‘This idea that we can dictate and we can direct our own lives is becoming more appealing.

‘I think what Brexit and the whole political situation right now has shown up, is this power that is in other people’s hands. What happens with the Brexit fallout will affect all of us financially, politically, socially.

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‘And this idea that, actually, if you’re in the wilderness living in a tiny little structure you have built yourself, you make your own rules, you make your own destiny, and you’re your own boss.’

Fogle said that he believes Brexit has given us a ‘divided society’, and that to live in the wilderness means a simpler life focused on nature and survival.

Asked if he thinks more people will be escaping normal life after Brexit, Fogle said: ‘I really wouldn’t be surprised.

‘I’m tempted. That’s part of the inspiration for our plans as a family, to head off and live on an island.’

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