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People’s boat launched to ‘save sinking Parliament from a Titanic disaster’

Our Future, Our Choice activists campaign in support of a People's Vote on a boat. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire - Credit: PA

Campaigners from Our Future, Our Choice have launched a people’s boat in support of a People’s Vote to throw Parliament a lifeline.

People’s Vote campaigners on a people’s boat. Photograph: Our Future Our Choice. – Credit: Archant

With Parliament floundering and the Conservative party at war with itself, campaigners hope the boat on the Thames outside the Commons will be a ‘whimsical reminder of a serious message’ – that the country is sinking under the weight of Brexit.

Dressed up as a lifeboat it is a reminder that in order for the country to float, it must vote.

At the launch young activists from the Our Future Our Choice anti-Brexit organisation were dressed up as crew members.

Our Future Our Choice’s chief spokesperson Femi Oluwole said: ‘This boat offers Parliament a lifeline away from the Titanic disaster that is this Brexit deal. It offers a realistic way out – not a dead-in-the-water Norway, nor a no deal that would sink the country.

People’s Vote campaigners on a people’s boat. Photograph: Our Future Our Choice. – Credit: Archant

‘Theresa May’s government is floundering. Her Brexit plan has sunk without trace and she’s up a creek without a paddle. She needs to go full steam ahead to a People’s Vote: the only way out of this Brexit mess.

‘For young people, this is a sink or swim moment. Under this deal they wouldn’t be waving, but drowning, and that’s why they’re calling in huge numbers for a People’s Vote.’

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