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The ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ bus is back photobombing the news

The Bollocks to Brexit bus photobombs BBC News. Photograph: BBC/Twitter. - Credit: Archant

The bright yellow ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ bus made a re-appearance on the news ahead of Theresa May’s historic defeat in the House of Commons.

Anti-Brexit campaigners rejoiced on social media as it re-appeared on BBC News as one unsuspecting reporter broadcasted live from Parliament Square.

In fact, the bus made multiple appearances ahead of the meaningful vote, with viewers taking to Twitter to report on its sightings.

MORE: ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ bus photobombs the ITV News

One tweeted: ‘Beautifully time bus drives by reporter during live broadcast on Brexit.’

It is not the first time the bus has appeared on the national news – with it making regular appearances on BBC and ITV News during its nationwide tour before Christmas.

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The bus was funded by anti-Brexit campaigners who have been calling for a People’s Vote.

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