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Johnson and Davis quit: How media around the world reacted

How the world’s press responded to the resignations of the two Cabinet ministers over Brexit.

Here is how some media outlets around the world view the ‘chaos’ facing Theresa May following the resignations of Boris Johnson and David Davis as the foreign and Brexit secretaries.

France’s Le Figaro leads with Mrs May’s crisis, saying she has been ‘destabilised by a revolt by the pro-Brexiters’.

The paper describes the resignations of Mr Davis and Mr Johnson over her compromise deal as ‘shattering’.

Et voici la Une du mardi 10 juillet: “Theresa May déstabilisée par la révolte des pro-Brexit” Abonnez-vous dès maintenant ?

— Le Figaro (@Le_Figaro) July 9, 2018

The Svenska Dagbladet in Stockholm says the resignations have caused ‘chaos’ and left the Government ‘paralysed’.

‘Theresa May’s future is uncertain,’ the paper says, adding that Brexit could now be under threat itself.

Charlotta Buxton: Brexit hotas när Mays kris växer. Nu finns första upplagan av morgondagens tidning att läsa som e-svd

— Svenska Dagbladet (@SvD) July 9, 2018

‘Good riddance, Boris Johnson’ reads the headline on an online opinion piece by the New York Times’ editorial board.

The paper says: ‘An injection of common sense is welcome in a political fray that has defied all warnings, many of them from industries, of the enormous damage that would come from a break with the European Union, and especially of an abrupt and uncontrolled break … President Trump, who arrives in London on Thursday, is unlikely to give common sense a greater boost, but who knows?’

If Theresa May survives, and she could, the departure of a prominent hothead from her cabinet may be useful.

— NYT Opinion (@nytopinion) July 9, 2018

Meanwhile, The Australian says the ‘shambles’ the Conservative Party finds itself in ‘must not be allowed to alter progress towards the clean, decisive break with Brussels that British voters supported in the historic referendum’.

‘In order to survive politically, (Mrs May) must get back to basics and ensure Britain is no longer constrained by Brussels’ diktats,’ the paper says.

‘Brexiteers, too, should not overplay their hand. Disarray among the Tories could smooth socialist Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s road to Downing Street.’

May must beware of Boris coup

— The Australian (@australian) July 9, 2018

The Jerusalem Post asks what Mr Johnson’s resignation means for Israel, saying the former foreign minister ‘did not shy away from making clear his strong support’ for the country.

‘Relations between the two countries are likely to remain strong as long as the Conservatives remain in power,’ the paper says.

‘A future Labour government led by current Opposition leader and pro-Palestinian activist Jeremy Corbyn could give Israel a real reason to worry.’

What does Boris Johnson’s resignation mean for UK-Israel relations?

— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) July 9, 2018

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