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‘U can’t trust me’: Boris Johnson in hilarious MC Hammer mashup

'Stop. Stammertime': Cassetteboy have done the perfect take on Boris Johnson. Picture: Cassetteboy - Credit: Cassetteboy

Boris Johnson appears in a new video setting his words to the MC Hammer anthem ‘U can’t touch this’.

The viral comedy account Cassetteboy updates the 1980s hit with wording far more appropriate to the prime minister, who instead says: “You can’t trust me.”

The catchy video, clipped from hundreds of Johnson’s speeches, has nonetheless sent a brutal message. His words are combined to say: “I say the Tory party is the party of prosperity / but not for the 130,000 people killed by our austerity / Nor for disabled people robbed of money and their dignity / or the millions of children our policies have left in child poverty.”

The video has the perfect send-off on Conservative claims they can fix the country after austerity: “To say the best to fix it / are myself and Rees-Mogg / is like expecting dogshit / to be cleaned up by the dog.”

The Cassetteboy duo run a comedy disco and have been making on-the-nose viral videos of everyone from Alan Sugar to David Cameron and have racked up over 6 million views on YouTube.


Boris Johnson has been given the Cassetteboy treatment with a mashup to the tune of MC Hammer. Picture: Cassetteboy – Credit: Cassetteboy

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