Frontrunning candidate in the Tory leadership race Boris Johnson has continued to evade scrutiny by snubbing journalists at a Westminster hustings.
Johnson has so far granted just six questions from journalists at his leadership launch, has not accepted any interview requests, and has said he will appear in just one televised debate so far.
He decided not to show up at the Channel 4 debate, receiving a drubbing from the other five candidates.
WATCH: ‘Where Boris?’ – Empty podium left for Boris Johnson in television debate
After the Westminster hustings, at which dozens of journalists gathered to grill the candidates, Michael Gove made comparisons to Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
“Someone put it to me that these hustings without Boris was like Hamlet without the prince. Of course we all remember that at the end of Hamlet he isn’t the king …
“Now I’m not suggesting that that means we should go for a Norway option, but I do think it’s the case that it ain’t over until it’s over.”
Johnson has committed to the upcoming BBC debate, only his second public appearance in connection to his leadership campaign.