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Boris Johnson threatens to pull his Brexit deal if MPs won’t back his plans

Boris Johnson in the House of Commons. Photograph: Parliament TV. - Credit: Archant

Boris Johnson has threatened to pull his Brexit deal and call for an early general election if MPs try to push for extra weeks to scrutinise it.

Two crucial votes will determine whether the prime minister will be able to live up to his “do or die” commitment to take the UK out of the European Union by the October 31 deadline.

MPs will first cast their initial vote signalling general approval of his Withdrawal Agreement Bill (WAB). They will then vote on his accelerated timetable to hurry it through parliament.

But the PM told the Commons that he would “in no way allow months more of this” as he called on MPs to work “night and day” to scrutinise his plans and avoid a no-deal departure.

MPs and commentators have already objected to the “ridiculous” time frame in which the momentous legislation is expected to be scrutinised.

MORE: MPs accuse government of rushing through landmark Brexit billJohnson continued: “If parliament refuses to allow Brexit to happen and instead … decides to delay everything until January or possibly longer in no circumstances can the government continue with this,” he said.

“And with great regret I must say that the bill will have to be pulled and we will have to go forward to a general election.”

The threat was dismissed as “childish blackmail” by Liberal Democrat Brexit spokesperson Tom Brake.

“MPs shouldn’t be bullied into voting in favour of this ridiculously short timetable,” he added.

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