Boris Johnson has finally admitted that we were able to make our own laws while the UK was in the European Union, in a badly thought through criticism of Theresa May’s Brexit plan.
In the lead up to the EU referendum campaign the Leave campaign frequently claimed that we had to ‘take back control of our laws’.
Boris regularly made the claim, writing in the Sun before the vote: ‘It is a tragedy that the European Union – that body long ago established with the high and noble motive of making another war impossible – is itself beginning to stifle democracy, in this country and around Europe. If you include both primary and secondary legislation, the EU now generates 60% of all the laws that pass through Westminster.’
However Johnson has finally admitted what we all knew – that the UK can make its own laws in a soverign parliament – when criticising Theresa May’s Brexit plan.
He said if her plan was implemented that would be the FIRST time that parliament won’t be able to make its own laws.
He said: ‘For the first time in a thousand years, this place, this parliament, will not have a say over the laws that govern this country. It is a quite incredible state of affairs.’
He added: ‘For the first time since partition, Dublin – under these proposals – would have more say in some aspects of the government of Northern Ireland than London.
‘I don’t see how you can support it from a democratic point of view, I don’t see how unionists can support it, and I don’t see how you can support it if you believe in the economic and political freedom of this country.’
It is one of many Leave campaign facts proven to be incorrect. Another was the figure on the side of the infamous red bus that said £350m was given to the EU each week – a figure 42% of the UK still appears to believe.
Last month Alan Sugar told the House of Lords he believed Leave figures like Boris Johnson and Michael Gove should be in prison for the lies told during the referendum campaign.