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Boris Johnson told to ‘stop ducking Brexit reality’ in new stunt from young activists

Boris Johnson is accused of ducking Brexit reality in the latest Our Future Our Choice stunt. Photograph: Sarah Horsman. - Credit: Archant

Young anti-Brexit campaigners have flooded the street outside Boris Johnson’s campaign HQ with yellow rubber ducks to call on the Tory MP to ‘stop ducking Brexit reality’.

The activists, from Our Future Our Choice, deployed the the ducks with the hashtag #BoJoNoShow because they believe Boris Johnson is ducking the British people and the Brexit reality in his bid to become prime minister.

A group spokesperson said: “Since his leadership campaign launch, Boris Johnson has skipped two primetime head-to-head debates with his fellow leadership contenders. The number of interviews he’s done can be counted on one hand. He’s yet to do a single event open to the general public, and has not campaigned in public either. He is ducking the British people.

“He is also ducking the Brexit reality. All of his plans for Brexit are not credible, derided by Brexiteers in his own party like Liam Fox, and branded by figures in Brussels as ‘bullshit.’ He has told Remainers in his party that he will avoid No Deal, yet promised Brexiters in his party that we will leave on 31st October ‘do or die.'”

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Ed Shackle, one of the Our Future Our Choice campaigners involved in the stunt, said: “As a Conservative member, I find it deeply upsetting that Boris Johnson is trying to become prime minister whilst ducking the British people and the Brexit reality. How can we trust him to lead until he starts engaging with the general public and confronting the reality of the Brexit mess?”

The campaign tweeted that, unlike the potential Tory leader, they had “cleared up their mess” shortly after.

Last year the same campaigners help Boris to move out of his ‘lad pad’ when he quit as foreign secretary. They donned overalls and provided his home with cardboard boxes.

Boris Johnson is accused of ducking Brexit reality in the latest Our Future Our Choice stunt. Photograph: OFOC. – Credit: Archant

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