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Borough Market traders horrified at being featured in government pro-Brexit video

Borough Market traders said they "do not wish to be associated" with this government pro-Brexit advert. Picture: DExEU - Credit: DExEU

The charity that runs Borough Market have accused the government’s Brexit department of trying to ‘misappropriate’ their values by featuring the world-famous London food hotspot in a video about EU citizens’ rights.


The Department for Exiting the European Union (DExEU) tweeted the video, which includes a shot of the market’s branding, saying: “The Brexit Bill protects EU citizens living in the UK.”

But the bosses of the London market have asked DExEU to remove their branding from the video saying Brexit is “disastrous” and adding: “We do not wish to be associated with it in any way.”

The footage shows the market’s trademark green livery appearing twice in a montage of upbeat images extolling the virtues of the EU Settlement Scheme.

Yet Darren Henaghan, managing director of Borough Market, said that Brexit risks a lowering of food safety standards and goes against the culinary haven’s “vibrant” welcoming of people from the EU and beyond.

He said: “While we are usually flattered to be mentioned in government publicity, this attempt to appropriate our charity’s values in support of leaving the European Union is deeply inappropriate.

“We believe in promoting a safe, responsible and sustainable approach to food production.

“The regulatory framework that underpins much of the nation’s food supply is highly dependent upon the EU in regard to food safety, animal welfare, environmental protections, and the sustainability of fisheries.

“Departing the EU risks food price increases, a lowering of food safety standards, and brings the genuine fear that a healthy diet will become unaffordable for many.

“Borough Market is a vibrant place where the food and people of Europe – and the rest of the world – are celebrated by our traders and visitors with genuine gusto.

“It is very disappointing that DExEU has sought to misappropriate our values. We urge them to remove our branding from this video and to refrain from using our name again to promote a policy which we cannot support.

“For the avoidance of doubt, we believe Brexit is a disastrous policy for the UK’s food industry and economy. We do not wish to be associated with it in any way.”

A spokesperson for DExEU said: “These images come from an online slide library where full image rights and permissions are granted for users.

“We haven’t been approached by Borough Market with any concerns, but we would be happy to discuss it with them.”

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