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Protests send SOS messages to Europe over Brexit

A giant SOS message is projected on to the white cliffs of Dover. Photograph: Led By Donkeys. - Credit: Archant

A series of protests have taken place on the south coast to send an SOS message across the English Channel in protest against Brexit.

People on the cliffs at Saltdean near Brighton holding mirrors and reflecting the suns rays accross the English channel as part of a large scale pro-EU human artwork, EU SOS, by artist Duncan McKellar. Photograph: DoubleXAir/PA Wire

. – Credit: PA

More than 400 people gathered on cliffs near Brighton at the weekend to send an SOS signal in the direction of continental Europe.

The stunt was a ‘large scale, pro-EU, human artwork’, according to a statement issued by the organiser, Bristol-based artist Dunkan McKellar.

‘The group successfully created a symbolic SOS call to the rest of Europe, to show the strength of the British pro-EU community in the face of Brexit chaos,’ the statement added.

It took place on the cliffs at Saltdean on the south coast.

People on the cliffs at Saltdean near Brighton holding mirrors and reflecting the suns rays accross the English channel as part of a large scale pro-EU human artwork, EU SOS, by artist Duncan McKellar. Photograph: DoubleXAir/PA Wire

. – Credit: PA

The crowd spread out to form a long line along the coast, facing out across the sea.

It followed worked on another artwork which saw people line a 1km stretch of the border between Mexico and the US.

Participants wore a mirrored mask which reflected the sun’s rays.

‘The masks caught the sun and together they created a dazzling ray of hope crossing the border wall,’ the statement added.

People on the cliffs at Saltdean near Brighton holding mirrors and reflecting the suns rays accross the English channel as part of a large scale pro-EU human artwork, EU SOS, by artist Duncan McKellar. Photograph: DoubleXAir/PA Wire

. – Credit: PA

Seperately the Led By Donkeys campaign have beamed a huge ‘SOS’ message onto the White Cliffs of Dover.

The giant projection onto the cliffs calls for a Brexit extension and a confirmation vote.

The 50m x 75m projection was targeted at European Union leaders over the on-going Brexit situation.

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