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It’s a deal – but will the Brexiteers swallow it?

Brexit secretary David Davis Photo: PA/Philip Toscano - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Expect much crowing from the government about the deal on the transitional period.

Theresa May and David Davis will tell you this is a triumph and that Brexit is on track – sunlit uplands here we come …

But that is not quite true.

The European Union has made some compromises. But compare them to the UK’s and it is clear Davis and his team have had to bend more. Changes London were demanding on EU immigration during the transition have been abandoned, the longer implementation period forsaken and some sovereignty on UK waters conceded.

The positive spin is as much about convincing the public as it is the Brexiteers. There is plenty here for the Rees-Moggs, Redwoods and Cashs to go all swivel-eyed about. And they still might.

And of course there is still a lot of work to do on the Irish border issue.

It’s a fudge. And most complex negotiations are, but will the Brexit-wing swallow it?

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