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Journalist creates an ASMR video based on Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement

Adam Fleming introduces a special ASMR video devoted to the Withdrawal Agreement. Photograph: BBC/YouTube. - Credit: Archant

If you are looking for something relaxing after a long day, why not try a relaxing ASMR YouTube video?

ASMR – or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response for its full title – has become a popular way to de-stress in recent years, with YouTubers generating thousands of videos focused on this trend.

The viewers of these videos are said to experience a ‘static-like or tingling sensation’ when listening to the videos, but it remains niche, with others watching with bafflement because of the nature of the content.

Typically each video involves a person whispering and the use of inanimate objects to generate the noise.

But so far no-one has attempted to create an ASMR involving the Brexit deal. Until now.

The BBC’s Brussels reporter Adam Fleming has just released an ASMR video based about Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement.

Fleming begins the video by holding up a yellow ring-binder containing all 599 pages of the document.

Addressing the camera, he says: ‘First of all it’s in this lovely yellow folder, can you hear that?’

As he opens it up he begins to tap the folder and then flicks through the paper.

The reporter then continues to whisper words from the Withdrawal Agreement, before eating a croissant next to the microphone.

The video has yet to become a viral success with just 142 views on YouTube – but it had only been online an hour.

While the Brexit deal has proven unpopular with British voters, it could yet prove more popular with the ASMR community.

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