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Brexiteer rips into Nigel Farage: ‘I don’t believe in you anymore!’

Nigel Farage on LBC Radio. Photograph: Global. - Credit: Archant

A Brexit voter has told Nigel Farage he would rather be run by the EU than the ‘idiots that are running Westminster right now’.

In a fiery exchange with the Brexit Party leader on his radio show, caller Kerry from the Shetland Islands accused the Brexiteer of taking us “down the Clyde.”

He said: “I believed in you when I voted to leave the EU, but with all the facts, all the figures, and all the evidence right now, you’re going to take us, not down the swanny but down the Clyde.”

He continued: “I’d much prefer to be run by that lot [the EU] down there than the idiots that are running Westminster right now.”

An unimpressed Farage accused Kerry of “surrendering” to “unelected bureaucrats”.

Nigel Farage on LBC Radio. Photograph: Global. – Credit: Archant

“There’s the flag of surrender, Kerry, if you’re happy to be run by unelected bureaucrats.

“Why would you want an undemocratic European Commission to make big decisions over your life? Why?”

But Kerry pointed out that the new prime minister in charge of the United Kingdom was not elected in a particularly democratic way.

“I think we’ve got an undemocratic government down in Westminster.”

Attention turned to Scotland and the fishing industry and Kerry asked: “You ask our velvet crab fisherman up here how they are going to get their crabs all the way down to Dover and across the Channel?”

Kerry points out fishing was why he voted for Brexit, but he said that a the current direction of Brexit would be “absolute mayhem” for the industry.

Farage goes on to claim that there were no problems trading with China and elsewhere where trade is based on World Trade Organisation rules, but the Brexiteer remained distinctly unimpressed.

“Never mind about China!” he tells Farage, as he said that was just one country.

Kerry continues: “I believed in you at one time, but Nigel I don’t believe in you anymore! I don’t believe in Brexit anymore!”

But laughing at the caller the LBC presenter goes on to claim that the Brexiteer was being “hysterical”.

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