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Brexiteers threaten to go on strike over Article 50 delay

Jacob Rees-Mogg speaks at a panel on Brexit organised by the European Research Group (Photograph: John Stillwell) - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Brexiteers in the European Research Group have threatened to go on ‘vote strikes’ over a possible lengthy extension to Article 50 which would delay Brexit.

Some 20 hardliners have vowed to stop participating in key government votes if Theresa May extends the Brexit process by a year, according to the Sun.

The prime minister had hoped to win over enough support in the coming days to get her deal passed before March 29th.

But rather than winning over extra Tory support the Brexiteers have instead insisted they will withdraw support for the prime minister altogether.

A ‘vote strike’ from 20 members of Theresa May’s government would put it on the blink of collapse.

Some members of the ERG believe that the prime minister could be planning a second referendum on her deal to avoid going ahead with the lengthy delay.

A Tory backbencher told the Sun: ‘If she tried to go ahead with a long extension, there will be vote strikes on all Government legislation.

‘She will lose us, and lose us permanently if she goes ahead with this, and that has been made crystal clear to her.’

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