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Caroline Flint admits she would back a no-deal Brexit rather than revoking Article 50

Caroline Flint on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show. Photograph: BBC. - Credit: Archant

Labour MP Caroline Flint said she would rather the UK crashes out of the European Union than revoke Article 50.

Speaking on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show, Flint said that if no withdrawal agreement was agreed then a no-deal Brexit would be her preferred choice over stopping Brexit entirely.

Caroline Flint on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show wears a unicorn necklace. Photograph: BBC. – Credit: Archant

Despite stating earlier in the programme that she was “optimistic and hopeful” that parliament would avoid no-deal, Flint later backtracked and confirmed her stance on Brexit.

Directly asked by Andrew Marr if she would rather see a no-deal exit or no Brexit, Flint’s reply was instant.

She said: “I won’t be voting to revoke article 50.

“If that is where we end up [a no-deal Brexit] that is where I will be.”

MORE: An open letter to Labour MPs who oppose a second referendum

Flint is one of 26 MPs who signed a letter addressed to Jeremy Corbyn demanding him to respect the 2016 referendum result this week.

In the letter, the MPs said: “Brexit must happen, the UK must leave and do so without further undue delay.

“A commitment to second referendum would be toxic to our bedrock labour voters.”

On the show, Flint made it clear that Labour’s success in the 2017 general election was their manifesto promise of the result of the Brexit referendum.

Flint also stated it was “pretty clear” that the 26 MPs would vote against a second referendum.

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