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Coldplay’s Chris Martin says he will vote for the Lib Dems

'They were all yellow': Chris Martin has said that he will probably vote for Jo Swinson and the Liberal Democrats in the general election. Photo: dominic Lipinski / PA - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Chris Martin has said that he will ‘probably’ vote for Jo Swinson and the Liberal Democrats in the general election.

Despite spending most of his time in America, the Coldplay frontman still votes in UK elections, and told the Sunday Times that Jo Swinson has his eye.

He first joked that he would cast a ballot for the Monster Raving Looney Party but then said he would “probably vote Liberal Democrat”.

Martin also said in the interview he was nervous about the band’s new album because it includes a number of political songs, which he feared may come across “a bit” corny.

He said: “When you reach a point and realise, ‘Wow, we are really one big tribe on Earth, and here’s what I think about that’, some people may still see you as just a white man from Devon. And say, ‘F*** off’. Because right now there is so much isolationism, and I don’t believe in that, at all.”

“I want to respect everyone’s freedom of thought,” he added. “And I think JRR Tolkien was describing England when he wrote about the Shire that some Hobbits want to engage in the world, some want to bury their heads.”

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