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Let’s Be Having EU – Delia to miss football to lead People’s Vote March

Norwich City's Joint Majority Shareholder Delia Smith before a match at Carrow Road. Paul Chesterton/Focus Images Ltd - Credit: Paul Chesterton/Focus Images Ltd

Delia Smith and Deborah Meaden will help to lead this week’s march for a People’s Vote.

The cookery show presenter and writer will sacrifice watching her beloved Norwich City at the football to help lead more than 100,000 people through central London at what is dubbed to be the biggest political march in over a decade.

Delia will be joined by businesswoman and Dragon’s Den star Deborah Meaden, who has been vocal about her opposition to Brexit on Twitter, and who said she will not be ‘bullied into silence’ over the issue.

MORE: Free coaches are taking activists to the People’s Vote MarchThere will also be celebrity speakers including Game of Thrones star Lena Headey, comedian Tracey Ullman, Mrs Brown’s Boys star Brendan O’Carroll, The Wire actor Dominic West, and Match of the Day presenter Gary Lineker.

MORE: Why my hometown needs a People’s Vote more than mostSpeaking ahead of the People’s Vote march, Delia said: ‘You’ll never know how much of a sacrifice this is going to be. I never ever miss a Norwich City football match, but this Saturday I simply have to join the march and rally calling for a People’s Vote.

‘I feel so deeply passionate about this, the most important issue in our lifetime. And this is not an opinion, I absolutely know that Brexit will be an unmitigated disaster, for the people of Britain.

‘Apart from the ensuing chaos now clearly in view, generations that follow us, will have deal with all that threatens the future of our planet, and that will involve nations learning how to work together.

‘Here we are, already in pole position, included in a group of countries at the leading edge of learning how to do just that. And all we are doing is planning some egotistical isolation which initially involves stockpiling drugs and building lorry parks.

‘All because of a group of squabbling politicians who can’t see beyond the end of their noses. Please don’t leave it to them. Now we’ve glimpsed the madness of it we have to be the ones to decide with another now more informed vote. It would now be totally undemocratic not to do so.’

MORE: Stay angry and fight Brexit. Support our anti-Brexit journalism by subscribing here.

Deborah Meaden said: ‘Brexit is going to be immensely harmful for our country — whether it’s the NHS whose staff fear for the future or small business which is the backbone of Britain.’

Dozens of celebrities have also funded free coaches from various parts of the UK to central London for the march.

MORE: All you need to know about the People’s Vote March

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