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Downing Street mocked after issuing tweet telling people to remain ‘three fridges apart’

A graphic tweeted by the Downing Street Twitter account. Photograph: Twitter. - Credit: Archant

A Downing Street tweet telling people to remain ‘three fridges apart’ ahead of the bank holiday weekend has been ridiculed by Twitter users.

The tweet, published ahead of the bank holiday weekend, asks the public to keep ‘2 meters apart’ from one another.

‘That’s 1 bed, 2 benches, 3 fridges, 4 chairs,’ it read with an animation of two people separated by a bed underneath.


The government shared the post ahead of the long weekend where it is expected that parks, beaches, and other common areas will be crowded with people lapping up the good weather.

Since May 10, when lockdown measures were rolled back, Britons have been able to meet at least one person they do not live with in a public area, so long as the two-metre social distancing rule is observed.


Along with a raft of other measures, the government has asked those who can return to their workplace to do so.

Following the tweet, people took to social media to mock the latest government communiqué.


Ian Spittlehouse took aim at Boris Johnson hiding in a fridge during his 2019 election campaign: ‘What if one is inside one of the fridges hiding from someone who is asking tricky questions? Does this affect the distances or number of fridges needed?’

Joshua wrote: ‘How the hell am I supposed to carry 3 fridges around with me?’

Gilly Clarke told users the new rule would ‘be a hard slog’. ‘Gonna be a hard slog carrying 3 fridges to the park just to have a chat with my cousin,’ she shared.

@squinteratn posted: ‘Sweet and suffering Jesus. This is not a parody account. These people are in charge. Terrifying.’

David Llewellyn said: ‘Does anyone think of fridges in width? First thing I thought of was fridges laid end to end, which in the case of our fridge-freezer would be closer to five metres.

‘I don’t know who is responsible for your comms, but I’m beginning to think they might be an alien.’

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