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Good Morning Britain doctor blasts Cummings and Johnson over ‘unforgivable’ coronavirus mistakes

Dr Sarah Jarvis appearing on Good Morning Britain; ChronicleLive - Credit: Archant

A TV doctor has blasted the government’s handling of the coronavirus crisis, branding the actions of some officials as ‘unforgivable’.

Dr Sarah Jarvis appeared on Good Morning Britain to fill in for Dr Hilary Jones, who regular presents medical advice on the show, when she accused ministers of hypocrisy.

She told presenters Ben Shephard and Kate Garraway that, from her perspective, ‘if there is one thing the government needs to do is make sure they belong to a ‘do as we do’ government, not a ‘do as we say not as we do’ government.

‘Dominic Cummings’ behaviour was completely unforgivable, we’ve seen examples of smaller slips from the chief medical officer in Scotland, she resigned. From other MPs, they resigned.’

She added: ‘The fact that the government is sending out the message that there is one rule for them and one rule for the rest of us…I hope that the people listen to the chief scientific adviser and not the prime minister.’

Dominic Cummings broke lockdown rules to drive 270 miles to Durham from London to seek childcare support from his family.

Ministers have also been in the spotlight after a several were seen without a face covering in public after advising the people not to leave home without a mask.

One cabinet minister, George Eustice, was even confronted about the issue on national radio after a colleague, Michael Gove, was spotted without one.

‘Dr Sarah Jarvis on ITV this morning begging people to listen to the health and science advisors and not to Johnson, says it all really,’ Paul Keegan wrote on Twitter.

@kilnpithill said Jarvis’ comments were ‘absolutely spot on’.

Others were less than impressed. Sandra Foottit posted: ‘Why is Dr Sarah Jarvis getting involved in political discussions ? She’s a Doctor, stick to your expertise.’

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