The photograph was posted to Twitter by the foreign affairs minister for the Netherlands, Stef Blok.
Blok posed for the photograph alongside the muppet as he warned businesses in his country to prepare itself for any consequences there may be should the UK crash out of the European Union on March 29th.
He said: ‘Have you already checked the consequences Brexit has for you or your company? Do the Brexit Impact Scan…’ before linking to a government website.
He added: ‘Make sure Brexit doesn’t get you in the way…. or lies.’
Some responded to the tweet with humour and praise while others were not sure whether or not to take the tweet seriously.
‘Is this serious?’ responded one to the minister.
‘Genius!’ said another.
Journalist Mehreen Khan wrote: ‘Brexit has finally broken the Netherlands usually sombre foreign minister.’
Allison Killing said: ‘This kind of terrifying fluffball is the Dutch government’s Brexit mascot. What have we done?’
Hans von der Burchard tweeted: ‘We finally know how Brexit looks like, thanks to the Dutch.’
Blok’s tweet came as the Dutch prime minister said Britain had become a ‘diminished’ country after its vote for Brexit and warned that a no-deal Brexit risked ‘insurmountable’ consequences for the UK economy.
He told the Financial Times: ‘Every businessman I speak to from the UK is saying they will cut investments, cut their business in the UK. It will have an insurmountable impact on the UK.’ He added Britain was a ‘more diminished country compared to what it was two or three years ago’.