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Lib Dem leadership hopeful says the UK ‘is crying out’ for a pro-European force

Ed Davey appears on Sky News. Photograph: Sky. - Credit: Archant

Sir Ed Davey MP, who is vying to be the next leader of the Liberal Democrats, has laid out his vision for the UK should be win the party’s leadership contest.

Speaking on Ridge on Sunday, Davey discussed the Lib Dem’s position as a pro-European liberal force should be become the next party leader.

He said: “I think our country is crying out for a sensible pro-European liberal force that can bring the country together.


“Under me, the Lib Dems would be a political home for pro-European liberal conservatives and pro-European liberal democratic labour people.

“We can be the party that the comes through the middle while both the other parties are so split and divided.”

Davey who has consistently voted to remain, also talked about the potential for cross-party remain alliances.

“I am supporting parliamentary alliances with remain forces. We need to make sure we can bring remain forces together.”

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