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Toddler speaks more sense than most politicians with call for ‘People’s Vote now!’

Ethan Taylor has gained popularity for his call for a People's Vote. Picture: SALLY TAYLOR - Credit: Archant

When political debate is dominated by the likes of Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg, it can be hard to find the voice of someone who speaks sense when it comes to Europe.


But now one little toddler has become an internet hit after managing something Jeremy Corbyn can’t – a clear position on Brexit.

Born just three months before the referendum, Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union has already been a big issue in little Ethan Taylor’s life.

He went along with his mother Sally Taylor when she voted Remain in the 2016 poll, with Mrs Taylor saying: “I really felt like we were voting for his future.

“Since that summer, I’ve felt quite sad.

Ethan Taylor with his parents Andrew and Sally Taylor on the People’s Vote march. Picture: SALLY TAYLOR – Credit: Archant

“I worry very much that he will miss out on the opportunities that my generation have had.”

However Ethan, now aged three, seems determined to help change the future.

He accompanied his parents to both People’s Vote marches, walking the entire route of the second protest and enjoying the party atmosphere.

“Even at the age of three, he’s got a sense of right and wrong,” his mum said.

Ethan Taylor with his dad Andrew Taylor on the People’s Vote march. Picture: SALLY TAYLOR – Credit: Archant

It was at the marches that he picked up the phrase “People’s Vote now!” – and when Mrs Taylor, 40, went to vote in the European elections, the “strong-willed” child’s calls for a second vote became even louder.

She later filmed his rallying cry at their home in Hertford, posting it on Twitter with the words: “When your toddler speaks more sense than most politicians…”

The video is only eight seconds long but so far Ethan has shown more clarity on Brexit than Labour politicians have during hundreds of hours of television interviews.

And with thousands of views and counting so far, Ethan is fast gaining popularity a crowded field of Tory leadership candidates could only dream of.

Mrs Taylor said: “Ethan was born three months before the first referendum and came with me to vote – I say the first, because I’m hoping there will be a second.

“I had the privilege of growing up a European and benefited from the cultural opportunities of that. I want Ethan to have those same opportunities.”

As for Ethan’s future, Mrs Taylor said: “I want him to make his own decisions and have his own sense of what’s right and wrong.

“I don’t know how he will be politically but he’s already an adventurer. I hope he’ll have a strong sense of social justice in a world where more people are out for themselves. I hope he will continue to be a kind kid who cares about other people.”

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