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Farage says he ‘can’t remember’ how much it cost to travel by private plane

Nigel Farage listens to a debate in the European parliament. Photograph: AP Photo/Jean-Francois Badias. - Credit: Archant

Arch Brexiteer Nigel Farage was accused of being ‘elitist’ after it emerged he had travelled to Strasbourg from London on his own private jet.

Farage, who claimed in 2017 that he was ‘skint’, tried to joke off his ‘Peter Pan-like existence’ when he was questioned how he got from London to Strasbourg so quickly.

The MEP eventually was forced to concede to Channel 4 News host Matt Frei that he had taken a private plane to get there.

The host was quick to point out the hypocrisy.

‘You’re flying around in private planes and you’re constantly ranting at the elite in London,’ he told Farage.

An irritated Farage quickly responded: ‘Last time I was criticised for being in London, not Strasbourg, and now I’m being criticised for being in Strasbourg, not London.’

The interviewer continued: ‘But you cannot rant against the elite when you’re behaving like one of its members?’

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Farage, however, dismissed the presenter’s point. ‘I don’t know about that, I don’t get much sleep. I try and represent the people that put me here.’

The Brexiteer claimed he could not remember how much the private jet cost and then told the host that it ‘doesn’t matter’.

In an interview with the Daily Mail in 2017 Farage bemoaned being ’53, separated and skint’ in an interview, adding ‘there’s no money in politics’.

During the 2010 general election campaign the Brexiteer had a narrow escape after his plane flipped upside down and nosedived into a field during an election stunt.

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