The leader of the Brexit Party was neatly pranked by a caller to his LBC show.
Nigel Farage was presenting the show like normal when ‘Mark from Northampton’ called in.
The caller firstly lulled Farage into a false sense of security by talking about the Supreme Court decision which has gone against the government.
But then he said: “I’ve got to say I’m immensely grateful to you for everything you’ve done in British politics over the last few years.
“I used to be an ardent Remainer, I voted Remain, I believed in the European project,” he continued.
Farage was all ears as ‘Mark’ continued to reel him in with flattery.
“I believed that staying in the European Union was the best thing for us,” said ‘Mark’. “And then, something happened and – something monumental happened, it completely changed my opinion on the whole situation.”
Farage asked: “What was that monumental thing Mark?”
‘Mark’ replied: “I was kicked in the head by a horse.”
There was a slight pause as the penny dropped and then Farage grinned, ended the call, and hurriedly moved on to the next caller.
The clip has gone so viral that it has been covered by Good Morning Britain.
The prankster @BasementShaxx, who has changed his Twitter handle to ‘Kicked in the head by a horse’, has shared the video which has had more than 142,000 views and countless approving comments.
He said he borrowed the joke from comedian Tom Pranks, and acknowledged that Farage “took it quite well and didn’t block me”.
He added: “Still a fascist though.”