An activist trying to argue that the Brexit Party isn’t racist was left dumbfounded after campaigner Femi Oluwole pointed at leader Nigel Farage’s past statements.
The video tweeted by the Our Future, Our Choice campaigner shows Femi in conversation with a young man wearing a Brexit Party T-shirt.
‘A lot of people on your side of the argument say that Brexiteers are racist because they want to reduce migration,’ he said, adding that the Brexit Party wants migration to be ‘more balanced’.
Femi replied: ‘So, in terms of the racism thing, Nigel Farage IS racist.
‘When he showed his ‘Breaking Point’ poster, he was pointing at Syrian refugees, saying that they are the reason why we need to get out of the EU.
‘That is inherently racist.
‘The UK is not part of the EU’s Common Asylum Policy, which means that not one of those refugees in the photo had any right to come here under EU law … the only people who do have the right to come here under EU law … are people who look like Nigel Farage.
‘So he chose specifically brown people who have no rights to come here under EU law to scare people about EU immigration, which is fundamentally racist.’
The activist replied that the refugee can still come to the UK after they’ve claimed asylum and applied for an EU nationality.
‘And so you’re basically saying that a Syrian refugee who comes to, say, Germany, spends seven years … becomes a fully-fledged German citizen, speaking German, a proper German citizen … shouldn’t come to the UK because of his ethnic origin.’
The activist denied he was saying that at all, but then trailed off and lost his train of thought.
Femi tweeted the video recently, adding: ‘The fact that Tory Ann Widdecombe is now joining a party led by the racist Nigel Farage, just shows the UK is moving to the far-right.’