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Former EU official: A fresh vote or general election is ‘pretty likely’

The former Eurogroup president and Dutch finance minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem - Credit: Archant

Brexit could be delayed beyond March to give extra time for a fresh referendum or another general election, a former EU official has claimed.

The former Eurogroup president and Dutch finance minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem said that the deadlock behind negotiations may continue for some time. In a blog post on LinkedIn he said that ‘there won’t be a Brexit deal this week… or even next month’.

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He said: ‘Extra time is inevitable. It is needed to work out any serious deal, it’s necessary to avoid a vote in the British parliament in the short run.’

Dijsselbloem said that the extra time would allow for a new election in the UK or even a People’s Vote.

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‘It also may be necessary to allow for new elections or a second referendum if the deal gets rejected in the medium term, which still seems pretty likely.’

He added: ‘The decision to stop the clock won’t come until the very last minute.

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‘It won’t be the first time that time has provided us with solutions in times of European crises.’

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