One of the leading campaigners against Brexit looks for upsides in the aftermath of the UK’s looming departure from the European Union.
Gina Miller was speaking to Krishnan Guru-Murthy on the Channel 4 News podcast Ways to Change the World when she was asked about any possible upsides to Brexit. She admitted the debate could help to change our ‘archaic’ political system.
‘I think we are going to have a conversation post-Brexit, whatever the outcome is, about devolution and how devolving power of policy and finance will work post-Brexit.
‘The second thing is we will start looking at this debate of is there somewhere between representative democracy and direct democracy. Is there something more fit for the 21st, 22nd, 23rd century?
‘Thirdly I think we are going to be talking about codifying part of our constitution which is something we need to progress and evolve.
‘I think there are some really good outcomes that could come as a domestic agenda’.
Miller is committed to the cause of the UK remaining in the EU, but admitted that it was not possible to go back to the ‘status quo’ without reform.
She explained: ‘I think something better is possible for two reasons. Brexit was a huge shock, it was a heart attack to the EU.
‘Secondly, the EU value us hugely because although we complain about the fact we are getting all these laws and sovereignty.
‘But our lawyers, our civil servants, our people in Brussels have been so valued and have actually been the ones writing most of these directives and being the peacemakers between the different factions.
‘We have been at the top table leading an awful lot in the EU and for the EU it is not just about the money, it is that they are losing all that talent so for them to actually keep our talent is very important.
‘They are also very worried from a geopolitical point of view about what is happening with Russia, what is happening with Trump.
‘So all of a sudden the EU is under threat from very many different angles’.
She also claimed that the Conservatives are the party that had the power to make a People’s Vote happen.
She said: ‘More MPs are realising they need to put their country before their party, and that this is not about tribalism and how party politics has played out in the past.
‘There are lots of problems with an election. Labour, will do everything they can to have an election. The Conservatives, who are deeply tribal, will do everything to avoid an election.
‘And they are the ones in power, so if they don’t want an election – and this is going to be, if you like, a devil’s choice for them – then they give it back to the people.
‘Politically they’re the ones [the Tories] who could actually ensures that a People’s Vote happens’.
Finally Miller hit back at suggestions that she was calling people on both sides ‘stupid’ over claims that they weren’t aware of the full facts when they voted in June 2016.
‘Nobody is stupid. This is so complex. I would like to find anybody who can hand on heart say they knew what EURATOM was, what Open Skies meant, and JustInTime. These are things we are only beginning to learn about.
‘Everyday we are learning more. That’s nothing about how intelligent someone is, or how much they knew, this is a fact that we are becoming more informed on a daily basis, and with that new information surely we have a right to validate what happens next?’