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‘God is a Brexiteer’ claim Leavers

Femi Oluwole meets the Brexiteers using God for their means. Photograph: Twitter. - Credit: Archant

A group of pro-Brexit activists have a new way of trying to convince people to support their way of thinking – by claiming that God would be against the European Union.

In a video, filmed by Our Future Our Choice and anti-Brexit campaigner Femi Oluwole, a series of Brexiteers are seen campaigning outside the Houses of Parliament holding signs using questionable quotes from the Bible to support their Brexit stance.

A preacher is witnessed giving a speech in he compares honouring ‘Christian constitution’ to the fight for Brexit.

Oluwole says that it was a sign of how low some Brexiteers are going to ‘manipulate the faith of the elderly’ and devout Christians ‘in order to achieve political ends that are against the interests of the entire country.’

Viewers watched with horror as the Brexiteers claimed by stopping Brexit we had ‘broken God’s commandment.’

James Bacon said: ‘Brexit is a religion – based on blind faith, denying science or fact.’

Paul said: ‘Religion being used to manipulate people! No way – that never happens!’

Twitter user Syro said: ‘Let them do it, it only helps persuade ordinary people that they are crackpots and that Brexit is too!’

Somewhat stating the obvious, others pointed out that the posters are factually incorrect and that the European Union isn’t actually referenced in the Bible.

Carrie Melbourne said: ‘The European Union isn’t mentioned in Deuteronomy. Have they actually *read* 1-14?’

Vernon Briscoe joked that ‘Jesus was a Leaver… but then he came back!’

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