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Government spent more than £1 million on bonuses for the Brexit department

A European Union flag in front of Big Ben. Photograph: Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

The government awarded civil servants in the Department for Brexit more than £1 million in just a one year period – before Brexit has even happened.

The figures for performance related pay between April 2017 and March 2018 were released by the government as part of its programme of transparency.

It showed senior civil servants were awarded £172,000 in special payments both in-year and end-of-year payments.

Junior staff were also awarded bonuses totalling £844,780 with nearly £562,000 spent on end-of-year payments to its 425 workers. The maximum payment was £2,600.

Liberal Democrat Brexit spokesman Tom Brake said: “It’s astounding that people are being awarded bonuses when three years on Brexit still has not been delivered.”

Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP from the Best for Britain campaign said: “This is outrageous. The government’s worst failing department is handing out millions willy nilly.

“But at least somebody appears to be benefitting from the chaos that is Brexit, because the vast majority of our population will be left high and dry.”

A Brexit department spokesperson said: “It has been common practice for government departments to link individuals’ performance to their pay.”

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