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Internet decides Government’s Brexit ‘Plan for Britain’ isn’t working

Error message as government's Brexit plan crashes after launch. - Credit: Archant

Government’s new website setting out Brexit plan crashed immediately after launch. Awkward.

Could this be a sign that the Government’s Brexit plan for Britain is broken?

The Government has launched a new website setting out its Brexit ‘Plan for Britain’ – only for the page to immediately crash.

Some visitors to on Thursday evening were greeted only with error messages.

Those who got through found pages listing the 12 objectives set out by Theresa May for the upcoming EU withdrawal talks, along with information about the process of leaving the EU and Brexit Secretary David Davis’s statement on the parliamentary legislation authorising the Prime Minister to trigger Article 50.

A Government spokesman said: ‘We experienced issues with hosting for the Plan for Britain website but we have worked quickly with suppliers and the issue has now been resolved.

‘The Plan for Britain website outlines the four pillars of the Government’s plan for the country to deliver a brighter future and to make Britain a country that works for everyone.’

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