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‘It’s a dog’s dinner’ – Posters to target Rees-Mogg and Johnson’s constituencies

New poster launched by the People's Vote campaign - Credit: Archant

The People’s Vote campaign has launched a series of new billboards across the country calling for a final say on the Brexit deal.

The signs will be a prominent reminder of the broken Leave promises and the Brexiteers that ran away when the vote was won.

Speaking at the launch For Our Future’s Sake co-founder Amanda Chetwynd-Cowieson said: ‘The gap between the Brexit promised two years and the mess being delivered on our doorsteps is getting bigger by the day.

‘The Brexit elite like Jacob Rees-Mogg and Boris Johnson are motivated more by the ambitious pursuit of their political careers than by Britain’s future or the national interest.

‘The consequence is a Brexit-at-any-cost – like that favoured by Jacob Rees-Mogg and Boris Johnson – a Theresa May deal where we still obey EU rules but have no say in how they’re made, or a blindfold Brexit where we don’t know the real costs until after we’ve left.’

New posters from the People’s Vote campaign – Credit: Archant

The posters will be displayed at 30 sites across the country, including Birmingham, Cardiff, Glasgow, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Paisley and Stoke-on-Trent.

The first wave of poster sites – in highly visible locations in major UK cities – reflect the widespread demand for a People’s Vote from people across the country, angry at the Brexit elite who seem unable to sort out the situation.

The campaign will reach into areas of the country which voted Leave but have now changed their mind, including Boris Johnson’s own constituency of Uxbridge & Ruislip South.

Anger over the confusion meant growing support for another vote, Ms Chetwynd-Cowieson said, with tens of thousands expected to take part in the People’s Vote March for the Future on Saturday October 20.

‘It is still students and young people who will pay the price for the disaster that leaving the EU is becoming,’ she said.

‘Thousands of people will march on London later this month demanding a People’s Vote.

‘Only we can sort out this Brexit mess.’

More than 100,000 people marched through London in June demanding a People’s Vote and the march and rally in October is expected to be even bigger, with more than 100 coaches from across the country already booked.

New posters from the People’s Vote campaign – Credit: Archant

Find out more information about the People’s Vote March on The New European website.

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