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Surge in support for the Lib Dems in Jacob Rees-Mogg’s constituency

A projection of Jacob Rees-Mogg showing disregard for parliament is projected on to Edinburgh Castle. Photograph: ByDonkeys/Twitter. - Credit: Archant

There has been a surge in support for the anti-Brexit Lib Dems in outspoken Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg’s seat.

A new Survation poll carried out by telephone found a drop in support for the Conservatives in Rees-Mogg’s constituency of North East Somerset.

While 44% of his constituents still appear to back the MP, that is down 10% on the 2017 general election result.

By comparison there has been a 20% rise in support for the Liberal Democrats, who are now on 28% of the support for the forthcoming general election.

It leaves Labour in a distant third place with 14% of the support, the biggest loser from this election, seeing the Liberal Democrats taking most of its support.

The Brexit Party is on 7%, the Greens on 3%, and the National Health Alliance on 3%.

When constituents were asked how they would vote if it was a two-horse race between the Lib Dems and the Tories, the figures were even closer.

A total of 38% in this instance would back the Tories, while the Lib Dems would be on 32% of the support.

The Liberal Democrats won seats in the European and local elections in Rees-Mogg’s own backyard, but the most significant result would be if the party managed to unseat the Brexiteer himself.

The Lib Dem candidate Nick Coates has reportedly already raised more than £10,000 in his bid to “Stop Mogg”.

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