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Rees-Mogg: Brexit ‘has made no difference to my financial situation’

Jacob Rees-Mogg on LBC Radio. Photograph: LBC. - Credit: Archant

Despite statistics continually showing Brexit is leaving the British people worse-off, Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg says that it has made ‘no difference’ to his financial situation.

Brexiteers Nigel Farage and Jacob Rees-Mogg. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) – Credit: Getty Images

Rees-Mogg, the chair of the Brexiteer European Research Group, was asked about whether he had benefited from the UK’s departure from the European Union.

Speaking to LBC Radio’s Nick Ferrari he said it was ‘nonsense’ that he had made money.

He said: ‘You have been listening to Channel 4, which did a whole lot of rubbish last week. I have made no money out of Brexit at all – it’s made no difference to my financial circumstances.’

He insisted: ‘Brexit has made no difference to my financial situation.’

Remain campaigners seized on the comments as proof that, while everyone else was suffering from the economic consequences of Brexit, the anti-elitist elite behind the Brexit campaign were not suffering.

Rees-Mogg also maintained that a ‘bad deal’ was still better than ‘staying in the European Union’.

He said he still regarded the prime minister’s withdrawal agreement as a ‘very bad deal’ but fears a delay could mean Brexit could be thwarted altogether.

‘No-deal is better than a bad deal but a bad deal is better than remaining in the European Union,’ he said.

He said he would wait to see what the DUP decided before finally making up his mind which way to vote.

However, he said that Brexit supporters would need to weigh up whether, if the deal was defeated again, it would actually lead to a no-deal break – as they would prefer – or whether it would see Britain trapped in the EU.

‘Mrs May’s deal, however bad it is, means that we are legally outside the European Union,’ he said.

‘We have got as close to leaving as we will ever get under these circumstances. If it is thwarted now, no-one is ever going to allow us another chance to have a vote.

‘The whole weight of British establishment opinion will prevent that ever happening again.’

He added: ‘As long as people think we can get to no deal, they will vote the deal down. That is my position.’

Best for Britain boss Eloise Todd said: ‘How far we have come from the days when we were promised sunlit uplands. As we continue our trudge through a seemingly never-ending political quagmire, Jacob Rees-Mogg makes clear that for him and his pals a bad Brexit deal which would damage our economy, and leave us a rule taker rather than a rule maker, is a price worth paying in order to deliver their ideological project.

‘Jacob might be insulated from the effects of a bad deal or no-deal, but normal families up and down the country won’t be. Britain has changed its mind, so it’s time politicians gave the people the final say on Brexit.’

MORE: Say Bollocks to Brexit with this FREE mug when you take out a £13 subscription

MORE: ‘Brexit benefits? You’ll have to wait 50 years,’ says Rees-Mogg

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