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Jeremy Corbyn reads mean tweets sent to him in hilarious campaign video

In the latest campaign video for the Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn has read out critical tweets about him in a format popularised by th US late-night chat host Jimmy Kimmel. Photo: Labour Party - Credit: PA

In the latest campaign video for the Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn has read out critical tweets about him in a format popularised by the US late-night chat host Jimmy Kimmel.

In the video entitled “Mean Tweets with Jeremy Corbyn”, the Labour leader sits by a fireplace and read out critical tweets about him and his campaign.

When asked about going “back to wearing his commie hat” after the election, Corbyn replied: “What is a commie hat? I wear a cap! It’s a bit like when I was told I was riding a Maoist bicycle. It’s a bicycle!”

After addressing Labour manifesto promises on broadband – just after the video buffers for a moment – and free university tuition fees, he read out a tweet about being found sexy.

“Oh this is bad,” Mr Corbyn said, later telling viewers that there was indeed a magic money tree to fund his campaign pledges, “in the Cayman Islands”.

READ MORE: Yet another poll predicts hung parliament as Labour close in on Tory leadREAD MORE: Votey McVoteface – The boat owners taking to the waves to tactically unseat Boris JohnsonThe Labour leader ended the video with a high-five to someone off-camera and saying he would be the next prime minister.

Posted late on Monday night, the video already has well over 22,500 retweets and has been seen at least 1.5million times on Twitter alone.

One person replied: “Brilliant. Whoever came up with this deserves a promotion.”

Another said: “I didnt think I could love the dude any more. Apparently I can!”

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