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Jeremy Corbyn heads to Brussels to try to break Brexit deadlock

The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is to try to break the Brexit deadlock. (Photo by Ian Forsyth/Getty Images) - Credit: Getty Images

The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is to hold talks in Brussels in a bid to try to break the Brexit deadlock.

Ahead of the discussions with EU figures, the Labour leader called on prime minister Theresa May to abandon her Brexit ‘red lines’ to secure a workable deal.

Corbyn said he would use the meetings with EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier and others to stress that a no-deal Brexit does not command a majority in parliament.

The Labour leader said: ‘The Conservative government is running down the clock in an attempt to blackmail parliament into accepting Theresa May’s bad deal over a chaotic no deal.

‘We are saying loud and clear that there is no majority for no deal, and Labour will be working with politicians across the House to prevent a no-deal outcome which would be so damaging to our economy and communities.

‘Labour respects the result of the referendum, but we do not support the prime minister’s damaging approach which is focused more on appeasing factions of her party than finding a sensible solution that works for the whole country.

‘With just 37 days until Brexit, Theresa May must accept that her historic defeats in parliament and complete failure to reach a new deal mean her approach has failed.

‘She should abandon her damaging red lines and finally work with Labour to reach a deal which works for our country.’

The Labour leader will be accompanied by shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer and will also meet European Commission secretary general Martin Selmayr and European Parliament Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadt.

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