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Corbyn targeted by anti-Brexit billboard over lack of leadership on Brexit

Led by Donkeys billboard featuring a blank tweet in Jeremy Corbyn's Islington North constituency in protest over what they claim is his lack of leadership on Brexit. Photograph: Supplied. - Credit: PA

Young people have protested against Jeremy Corbyn’s lack of leadership on Brexit as the Led By Donkeys campaign unveiled their latest billboard.

The Labour leader is the group’s latest target because of his failure to back a second referendum on Brexit.

Led by Donkeys called on young Labour voters to spray paint their demands on the empty tweet, which was on a billboard erected next to Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium.

Led by Donkeys tweeted: ‘Jezza, this poster was put up more in sorrow than anger. Time is running out.

‘Brexit is a right-wing project delivered by right-wing ideologues. Listen to your members and give young people who can put you in power, not Seamus Milne.’

Rosie McKenna, 24, an activist with For Future’s Sake, told the Press Association: ‘As someone who voted for Jeremy Corbyn, I’m sad he’s not doing what he said he would do, which is give power to the grass roots and the party members.’

Lucy Holland, 22, has been campaigning for a People’s Vote since last summer and decided to come down after hearing about the stunt.

She said: ‘It’s really important to get this message across and we really need Jeremy Corbyn to say more on Brexit.

‘I think Jeremy Corbyn understands that he needs young people to be heard for him to enable his party to do more for the country.’

Holland said if Labour failed to back a People’s Vote it would ‘definitely influence’ her support of the party in the future.

Charlie Atkins, 24, said: ‘I hope that actually being in Jeremy Corbyn’s back yard and showing him how much we care will actually make a difference.

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‘I think it’s right to give the people the option to say what they want – I personally want to stay in the EU to protect workers’ rights and freedom of movement.

‘I don’t think there is a Brexit that will live up to anyone’s expectations.’

Atkins said there was ‘still time’ for Corbyn to come out in support of a People’s Vote.

Bashir Ibrahim, 25, who works for the People’s Vote campaign, said the poster was a chance for young people to talk directly to the Labour leader.

‘We are saying Jeremy, this Brexit is turning to chaos and the only way forward is a People’s Vote, do back that People’s Vote,’ he said.

‘I honestly believe that by backing a People’s Vote it will lead to Jeremy Corbyn becoming prime minister.’

He emphasised that the billboard was not a ‘hostile stunt’ but was a chance for people who ‘love Corbyn but hate Brexit’ to get their views across.

More than 40 anti-Brexit billboards have been erected around the country by the Led By Donkeys campaign.

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