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Jeremy Corbyn most favoured candidate for prime minister among Remain voters

Jeremy Corbyn at the ITV debate. Photograph: ITV/PA. - Credit: PA

Polling from YouGov has put Jeremy Corbyn ahead as the most favoured candidate to be prime minister among Remain voters.

Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson with Lib Dem candidate for St Albans Daisy Cooper in St Albans whilst on the General Election campaign trail. Photo: Aaron Chown/PA Wire – Credit: PA

It follows concerns that Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson has failed to galvanise enough support of Remainers during the general election campaign so far – not helped by her exclusion from the first television debate.

According to the polling figures, taken between 11th and 12th November, eremy Corbyn is favoured by 29% of Remain voters compared to Jo Swinson’s 25% and Boris Johnson’s 16%.

A total of 31% still appeared ‘unsure’ in the polling, leaving plenty of opportunity for the party leaders to win over voters in the coming weeks.

However, while Corbyn is ahead with Remain voters, overall favourability figures puts Jeremy Corbyn in fourth place – even behind Nigel Farage.


In this instance Boris Johnson has a net favourability score of -6, Jo Swinson with a score of -24, Nigel Farage at -35, and Jeremy Corbyn at -42.

With Remain voters Jo Swinson’s favourability has risen 5% since she became leader, but unfavourability has risen by 17%, as more become aware of her.

Matthew Smith of YouGov said: “While these numbers may be gloomy, there is an opportunity coming up for Swinson to turn things around. Even with the Lib Dems losing their legal appeal to get themselves in the ITV debate, Ms Swinson has been invited to take part in Sky News’s debate later in the month.

“Back in 2010 Nick Clegg’s strong performances at the election debates sparked ‘Cleggmania’ and gave the Lib Dems a boost. If the current Lib Dem leader can make a similar splash then perhaps this ‘Swinsanity’ will help push the party further up in the polls.”

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