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Jo Swinson will support a People’s Vote from a government of ‘any colour’

Jo Swinson is interviewed by Andrew Neil. Photograph: BBC. - Credit: Archant

Jo Swinson has said she will support legislation for a People’s Vote under ‘any other government’.

During her grilling from BBC’s Andrew Neil, she was asked if she would prop up a Corbyn-led government for six months in order to give enough time for a new Brexit referendum.

She answered firstly by saying neither Corbyn nor Johnson are fit to be prime minister, but raised the possibility that either of them could be toppled in the event of a hung parliament.

“Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson, neither of them are fit to be prime minister,” she said.

“I will vote for legislation to pass a People’s Vote, of course I will, and I would have done that under the previous Conservative government, just as I would do it under any other government.


“I am not going to put Jeremy Corbyn into Number 10, but if a government of any colour puts down a bill in parliament to have a People’s Vote, then we will support having a People’s Vote to put a specific Brexit deal to the people with the option of remaining in the EU.”

She added: “Will I vote for legislation on a People’s Vote? Yes.

“If Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn don’t win a majority at this election then there is no guarantee that they are still going to be the ones that are leading their parties a week afterwards.

“So, Liberal Democrats will work to stop Brexit. We will support legislation that puts in place a people’s vote and we will work across parties.”

In a stab at Labour’s equivocal stance on Brexit, she said: “None of us know what Mr Corbyn is really is proposing because he is offering everybody a free pony, frankly.”

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