A pro-Brexit fisherman who was one of the forces behind the Fishing for Leave campaign has claimed the Brexit deal is so bad that remaining in the EU would be a better option.
Writing for Conservative Women, John Ashworth commented on the impact of the deal on the industry.
He wrote: “I keep hoping I will wake up from a bad dream and find that the contents are not true.
“Alas, they are: so bad that there is very little gain in some places, in others none. One would think the document is a preparation to rejoin the EU; it has certainly handed a gift to the SNP in their quest for independence.
“One could even say we would be better off staying in.”
The pro-Brexit campaigner claimed that the EU had become the “leading player” in the agreement and that the document had little to do with “sovereignty”.
He wrote: “Having spent most of Saturday and yesterday going through the fisheries section of the trade agreement, it didn’t take me long to realise I was reading the most humiliating document ever: very little about sovereignty, but a merger, where the leading player is the EU.”
He added: “Now this will be rushed through our parliament without a thought that this will become the greatest act of giving our nation’s resources away, far beyond what the treacherous Edward Heath expected. We have no one to blame but ourselves.”
His comments come as supporters of the fishing industry indicated that the deal could result in just 2.32% more fish for the country’s fishermen.