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Brexiteer says Gina Miller has her ‘fingers in her ears’ before hanging up to avoid debate

John Longworth - Leave Means Leave chairman (Photograph: Press Association) - Credit: Archant

A rattled Leave Means Leave chairman baffled radio listeners by saying Gina Miller was ‘going round with her fingers in her ear’ before hanging up to avoid a proper debate.

In his appearance on Andrew Castle’s LBC show John Longworth trotted out the same tired lines – calling the People’s Vote a ‘loser’s vote’ and saying that the 700,000 people who marched on the same day were trying to ‘reverse the democratic will of the people’.

Longworth rudely claimed that anti-Brexit campaigner Miller of ‘going round with her fingers in her ears’ after she said the country had realised ‘what was promised can’t be delivered’.

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He wouldn’t allow Miller to respond to those claims – continuing to rant about a People’s Vote.

He said: ‘Another referendum would be so decisive for Britain, it would be catastrophic and it would cause a much bigger problem than anything that could happen economically for the UK.’

‘People would lose faith in the system and this is no longer a matter of Brexit, it is a matter of democracy.’

Radio host Castle then gave the chance to respond to Longworth’s claims. She was adamant she had been listening to the mood of the country.

‘I haven’t had my fingers in my ears… it seems to be going around the country and listening that many people are angry for many different reasons. Some because it’s not the way they thought it would turn out, others because it’s different from the way they thought, but whatever the reason people have that right.

MORE: ‘You’ve just made the case for a People’s Vote’ – Farage left stumped by Lord Adonis

As she continued it became apparent Longworth had hung up on the programme to avoid debate.

Gina continued uninterrupted: ‘Whatever happens next time, I think we have to draw a line under this and get back to our country. We have a zombie parliament who is not doing anything other than Brexit, our country and the people in it are being neglected.’

She later tweeted: ‘Just debated on LBC with John Longworth from Leave Means Leave who refused to face facts and put down the phone. Didn’t realise Leave means leave when you don’t like the facts!’

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