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John McDonnell called ‘liar’ and ‘terrorist’ as fight breaks out during vote count

The shadow chancellor John McDonnell was called a liar and a terrorist at his constituencys vote count as he was re-elected. Photo: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire - Credit: PA

The shadow chancellor John McDonnell was called a ‘liar’ and a ‘terrorist’ at his constituency’s vote count as he was re-elected.

A fight also broke out while McDonnell made his victory speech in the early hours of Friday morning.

He was speaking after winning his Hayes and Harlington seat in London, which he has held since 1997, when at least two people in the crowd began shouting.

Police had to intervene as the tensions rose so much that a scuffle broke out in the crowd.

McDonnell had said that Labour’s defeat in the election campaign was not caused by its ‘policy program’, and that Labour had ‘won the argument’ despite losing the election.

READ MORE: John McDonnell says Labour ‘won the argument’ despite election lossIt is not clear if any arrests were made, but a Sky News report suggested one of the men was “punched in the head.”

During his speech, McDonnell said “right wing violence will not be tolerated” and spoke of his fears about a rise in views from the extreme right.

“It is quite clear that there are fears also now for our democracy and the rise of the extreme right,” he said.

McDonnell won his seat with 24,545 votes.

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