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‘He is so two-faced’: Former Brexit Party politicians turn on each other over deal

Some of the Brexit Party candidates alongside party leader Nigel Farage - Credit: Getty Images

Two former Brexit Party MEPs have clashed over Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal – amid accusations the prime minister has “sold out” the fishing industry.

Turning to Twitter, Lance Forman tweeted his praise for the agreement secured on Christmas Eve with the EU.

He wrote: “Congratulations Boris Johnson for remaining firm to secure the Brexit deal that benefits Britain.

“Many doubted you and you proved them wrong. Now we can move forward with confidence. 

“We did it BoJo!”

But his remarks sparked anger from his former colleague June Mummery.

She informed Forman of a “sell-out” for the fishing industry, claiming that he “really couldn’t care less about fishing or coastal communities”.

MORE: A Brexit Party MEP just complained that leaving the EU leaves UK with no representation

Speaking with another follower, she explained: “The truth will come out John, fishing has been royally shafted. I would of respected Lance if he just kept out of it. He is so two faced.”

Hitting back at the claims, Forman responded: “I haven’t changed my tune since day one. Even your hero Nigel Farage has commented positively on the deal. Is he now two faced as well?”

He added: “Stop throwing insults around just because people have a slightly different view to you”.

Spectators called on the pair to “get a room”, while another claimed: “The revolution eats itself”.

A third tweeted: “The Leavers are already at each others throats. Who could have predicted that?”

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