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Second referendum could be held on May 29th

Former education secretary Justine Greening. Photograph: Matt Crossick/ EMPICS Entertainment. - Credit: Empics Entertainment

A People’s Vote could be held on May 29th, a former minister has suggested.

Justine Greening has said that a new Brexit referendum could be organised and held in 22 weeks.

Greening – a former education secretary – was speaking at an event alongside Jo Johnson when she announced that a four month extension of Article 50 would allow for a fresh referendum to held after Theresa May loses the meaningful vote in the Commons.

She said: ‘I’ve worked out that you could plan and hold a referendum in 22 weeks.

‘We could do that in 22 weeks. We could actually, after this vote on December 11, hold a referendum, potentially, on May 30 next year.

‘We could, alongside that, choose to extend Article 50, I’ve suggested, by four months to July 29.’

At the same event Jo Johnson said that the Tories are facing a defeat the next election like in 1997 when Labour were elected with a landslide vote.

He said: ‘Brexit is seen as a project driven by the Conservative Party and this half-baked, worst of all worlds Brexit could trigger an electoral defeat on the scale of 1997, or worse, with this ‘Tory Brexit’ label an albatross around our necks for years to come.’

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