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No-deal Brexit ‘not the end of the world’, claims Brexiteer Hoey

Brexiteer Kate Hoey. - Credit: Twitter

Brexiteer Kate Hoey has claimed a no-deal Brexit is ‘not the end of the world.’

The former Labour MP and pro-Brexit life peer said she was not ‘too worried’ about the prospect of failing to agree on a post-Brexit trade deal with the EU.

Hoey had previously criticised Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal as offering a “half in half out position with the EU”.

Last year she claimed: “It is seeking to do in less than a month what Sinn Fein/IRA failed to achieve in a century of murderous physical force.”

Her new comments come after concerns have been mounting about the impact of a no-deal on the UK, including possible food shortages

Hoey said she had no new information about a deal but added “clearly talks have gone on and there is movement.”

She said: “I’m optimistic that if we do get a trade arrangement that it will be something I could vote for and that most of our strong campaigning Brexit MPs would be able to vote for.”

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